医学分子生物学杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1672-8009.2023.01.001

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  1. 南京医科大学附属妇产医院 (南京市妇幼保健院) 遗传医学中心 南京市, 210004
  • 出版日期:2023-01-31 发布日期:2023-03-24
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划项目 (No. 2021YFC1005300), 江苏省妇幼保健协会科研课题 (No. FYX202008)

Establishment and Clinical Evaluation of A Capillary Electrophoresis-based Approach for Expanded Carrier Screening

  1. Department of Prenatal Diagnosis, Women’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Nanjing, 210004, China
  • Online:2023-01-31 Published:2023-03-24

摘要: 目的 建立并评估一种基于毛细管电泳技术的单基因病扩展性携带者筛查方法。 方法 采用多个基于毛细管电泳的技术检测 1 099 例样本中 24 个基因相关的 20 种疾病中的 448 个致病变异并进行验证。 结果 毛细管电泳检测结果与其他方法验证的结果完全一致。 在 1 099 例受检者中, 检出 190 例携带者, 总体携带率为17. 3 % (190 / 1 099), 检出变异个数最多的是 GJB2 基因。 在检测的1 075 例女性样本中, 共 检出 8 例为 X 连锁遗传病致病基因的携带者, 携带率为 7. 4 ‰ (8 / 1 075)。 结论 成功建立了一种基于毛 细管电泳的扩展性携带者筛查技术。

关键词: 扩展性携带者筛查, 单基因病, 毛细管电泳, 变异 

Abstract: Objective To establish and clinically evaluate a capillary electrophoresis-based approach for expanded carrier screening. Methods We used capillary electrophoresis to detect 448 disease-causing variants among 24 genes associated with 20 diseases in 1 099 individuals. The detected variants were confirmed by alternative methods. Results The capillary electrophoresis results were totally consistent with those of alternative methods. Of the 1 099 individuals, 190 (17. 3 % , 109 / 1 099) were identified as carriers for at least one condition, and the most common disease carried by individuals was GJB2-related non-syndromic hearing loss. Of the 1 075 females, 8 (7. 4 ‰, 8 / 1 075) were identified as carriers for X-linked disorders. Conclusion We successfully established a capillary electrophoresis-based method for expanded carrier screening.

Key words: expanded carrier screening, monogenic diseases, capillary electrophoresis, variants 
